Monday, September 29, 2008

Another rally practicing session

Here is a video from today's practice session:

We did more heeling exercises today. Including right and left turns, right and left 360's and 270's, and right and left about turns. Plus some finishes, a lot of 'halt sits', a 'halt sit down', and a 'call front 1,2,3 steps back'.

My main purpose was to stop treating for every little thing. I want to treat for perfect movements only. Also, I wanted to work on treating with my left hand - which is very hard for me so this is still a work in progress. The only thing I need to be more aware of is how I hold my right arm - it should be straight down at my right side, not up toward my chin or folding over my middle. It's hard for me to think about everything I'm supposed to be doing all at once (attention, footwork, next exercise, treat hand, leash hand, etc). I'm sure the more I do it, this trivial stuff will come more as second nature and I won't have to think about it. But I'm still learning and trying to get to that point...

Red is still sitting crooked or out of position on finishes - I didn't include these in the video though. It's hard to hold the leash and lure for a right finish, so I have to practice that one off-leash first to get him in the correct position. His left finishes are much nicer, though he usually crowds me, and likes to step on my left foot with his right front foot. I have stopped accepting these as acceptable finishes and require a retry. He must not touch or lean into me, or step on my foot for these.

His call fronts are getting better since I've stopped luring him. He does really nice ones on the last exercise of the video. I should've jackpotted him for it, but didn't think of it until I watched the video back. I need to remember to use the jackpot more.

I found these handy-dandy little crunchy treats at the pet store for like $2.00/lb. They are tiny and the perfect size for training. Beats cutting or breaking larger treats into smaller pieces.

I have been using his show choke and leash for training. My thinking is that when his normal leather collar comes off, and he is only wearing the choke and the lightweight nylon leash, it will be a signal that its time to work. I don't know if he will make this connection, or if I should even bother, but that's what I've been doing lately.

Also trying to make our training sessions more fun and upbeat instead of dull and boring like a drill sergeant =P

I have posted these last two videos to the Yahoo Rally Obed group and have received so many helpful replies and emails! It's been great and I'm really enjoying reading and posting on that group =)

Well, I think that's it for today! Thanks for reading =)

1 comment:

M.T. said...

I find it very hard to treat with my left hand too, while holding the leash in the left hand as well!!! I feel so clumsy!

I still have to catch up on your video, i think you're great for sharing and posting them! Wish i could watch videos at work lol