Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Good boy on our walk

We were walking down the trail through the woods like normal and he ran out ahead of me like usual. Once we get close to the pond, he usually goes ahead and plunges himself in the pond and waits for me to catch up.

But this time he went out ahead, but I saw him come right back and stand in front of me. I kinda looked at him puzzled, then around the bend came an off leash yellow lab and his owner. Then I understood that Red had seem them, and turned around to defer back to me about the situation. I was so happy to see that Red came back to me instead of just staying and trying to play with the dog! It was like he was waiting for my reaction or permission that it was ok.

The owner and I chatted for a minute while both dogs sniffed each other - though each one was not real interested in the other - I think both of them wanted to get on with their walk!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

WOW! Very impressive, good job Red!
-Dawn and Katie